
What You Should Know About Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

If you have a spine-related issue, such as if you were seriously injured in a car accident or some other serious type of accident, then your doctor might have recommended minimally invasive spine surgery to you. If this is the case, then you probably want to know everything that you can about this type of surgery. These are some of the primary things that you should know before having this type of surgery done.

28 April 2021

How A Locum Tenens Stroke Doctor Helps Facilities With A Doctor Shortage

Health & Medical Blog

Doctors provide a vitally-important service that cannot be ignored and is one that cannot be handled by any other professional. Unfortunately, a growing number of retirements and an increasing population makes a doctor shortage likely in the near future. And hospitals that are already struggling to keep their hospital staffed through shortages may need a locum tenens doctor in their area to help. Doctor Shortages May Impact Many Hospitals A growing potential for doctor shortages has been impacting the medical world in the last few years.

21 January 2021

Once You're In A Weight Loss Program, How Do You Stick To It?

Health & Medical Blog

Losing weight through an established weight loss program tends to be a lot easier than losing weight on your own. You get to follow guidelines set by professionals, rather than trying to come up with a set of dietary rules yourself. When you have problems, there's generally a doctor or dietitian you can turn to for guidance. But while these aspects do make it easier to lose weight in a program, ultimately, your success is still dependent on the effort you put in, personally.

21 January 2021

Top Things You Can Count On When Seeing A Holistic Dermatologist

Health & Medical Blog

If you suffer from skin issues, or if you just want to take the best possible care of yourself and your skin, then you might want to think about seeing a holistic dermatologist. These are a few things that you should be able to count on when seeing one of these professionals. They'll Help You Improve the Health of Your Skin Many people don't really think much about the health of their skin, but skin health is important for a few reasons.

21 January 2021

Pregnancy Care Tips For Women With Diabetes

Health & Medical Blog

Although diabetes treatments and management protocols have come a long way in recent years, this is still a disease that requires ongoing management and care throughout every stage of life. And that includes during pregnancy! You can have a healthy pregnancy as a woman with diabetes, but you will want to follow the pregnancy care tips below. Meet with a dietitian. You are probably used to managing your diabetes with your diet, but you're not used to doing so while battling pregnancy cravings and making sure your baby's nutritional needs are met.

15 December 2020

What To Do If Your Baby Is Crying Nonstop

Health & Medical Blog

A crying baby can mean a number of different things. Your baby could be tired or hungry, or it could be a medical reason why your baby is crying. As a new parent, it could be difficult to listen to your baby's cries for help, especially when you have no idea what is wrong. Your baby may have a fever, he may be teething and in pain, or he could be ill.

19 October 2020

Need A Root Canal? How To Ensure Protection Against Covid-19 During The Procedure

Health & Medical Blog

If you need a root canal, you might be worried about safety precautions right now. Many people are postponing dental procedures due to concern over Covid-19. That might seem like the smart thing to do. But, postponing a root canal can actually increase your risk for other dental problems. To protect your health, and your teeth, you should schedule your root canal as soon as possible; even the threat of Covid-19 hasn't passed yet.

19 October 2020

Hydrolyzed Collagen Could Be The Beauty Secret You've Been Looking For

Health & Medical Blog

If you're looking to improve your skin or nail health, you might want to consider taking hydrolyzed collagen. This supplement is available in powder and other forms, so it's easy to take. Here's a look at how hydrolyzed collagen is made and its advantages over regular collagen. How Hydrolyzed Collagen Is Made You probably know your body has collagen in it naturally. It's a protein found in the skin and connective tissue, and the collagen used for supplements comes from both animals and fish.

15 September 2020

Don't Take Chances: 4 Reasons You Should Get Tested For COVID-19

Health & Medical Blog

If you haven't come down with any symptoms and you've been following stay-at-home orders, you may not think you need a COVID-19 test. But, that's not necessarily the case. Even if you've been at home for the past several months, you could have still been exposed to the virus. This is especially true if you live with family members who leave the house or you've gone to the store recently. You never know when you might come in contact with someone who's asymptomatic.

30 July 2020

3 Ways To Reduce The Recurrence Of Ingrown Toenails

Health & Medical Blog

Many people will experience the occasional problem with an ingrown toenail, but when the same toe is repeatedly ingrown, there are other issues that need to be addressed. There are several strategies that can eliminate ingrown nails once and for all. Deal With Dead Skin Many people have an accumulation of dead or even hardened skin around the nail bed. Since this skin is not pliable, as the nail grows out, it is more likely to embed itself in the skin.

5 December 2019